Maybe the whole thing was ancient alien visits, it's no less plausible than the Bible account, as the Bible stories have no external verification, I think that all theories are on the table!
Star Tiger
Maybe the whole thing was ancient alien visits, it's no less plausible than the Bible account, as the Bible stories have no external verification, I think that all theories are on the table!
Star Tiger
i know i havent been on here forever!
i still am very happy and researching and reading all i can to keep me from going back.. i want what is best for my baby boy, ian.
he is so precious to me!!.
He is a lovely little boy, congratulations,
Star Tiger
judgment day.
the end of the world is almost here!.
holy god will bring judgment day on.
It's a shame because I've got the garden nice, now I will have spend it getting rid of the birds eating the unbelievers eyes, lol!
Star Tiger
when you claim that some impossible account from the bible is true are you doing so because of evidence and honest reasons or simply because you want it to be true?
if the evidence your claim is based upon ends up being proven false would you stop making the claim?.
if your claim is based only on wishful thinking then you are being dishonest with yourself.
faith equals focused wishing, lol
Star Tiger
why are the british always depicted as an evil empire, when in 1812 james madison declared war, the british were defending native american rights, and although the eventual ceasefire was signed in gwent belgium in 1814, and both sides declared victory the only losers were the original owners of the land, displaced onto reservations, the native americans, not much of that in hollywood movies, i'm sorry if i'm being provocative, i'm just not getting many posters on any of my threads, lol!.
star tiger.
Yes the anti slavery movement begin in Great Britain with William Wilburforce.
Star Tiger
why are the british always depicted as an evil empire, when in 1812 james madison declared war, the british were defending native american rights, and although the eventual ceasefire was signed in gwent belgium in 1814, and both sides declared victory the only losers were the original owners of the land, displaced onto reservations, the native americans, not much of that in hollywood movies, i'm sorry if i'm being provocative, i'm just not getting many posters on any of my threads, lol!.
star tiger.
It's nice to get some informed discussion, The British empire has done some terrible and arrogant things, and I love the things America stands for, but we are always the bad guys in your movies, we took a tremendous hit from the Nazis, but through the commonwealth nations and especially America we prevailed, having said that if we had lost to the German war machine we all would have paid! If it were down to the GB we would have exterminated if we were still JW's, thanks for the comments!
Star Tiger
why are the british always depicted as an evil empire, when in 1812 james madison declared war, the british were defending native american rights, and although the eventual ceasefire was signed in gwent belgium in 1814, and both sides declared victory the only losers were the original owners of the land, displaced onto reservations, the native americans, not much of that in hollywood movies, i'm sorry if i'm being provocative, i'm just not getting many posters on any of my threads, lol!.
star tiger.
Why are the British always depicted as an evil empire, when in 1812 James Madison declared war, the British were defending Native American rights, and although the eventual ceasefire was signed in Gwent Belgium in 1814, and both sides declared victory the only losers were the original owners of the land, displaced onto reservations, the Native Americans, not much of that in Hollywood movies, I'm sorry if I'm being provocative, I'm just not getting many posters on any of my threads, lol!
Star Tiger
on the news the other day they showed a young man after graduating from high school went out and got drunk and had a bad car accident.
he was paralyze from the waist down.
instead of going into deep depression of what he did to himself he started his life over and went to college and was involved in inventing a exoskeleton for disable people.
The whole world would be a race of mindless automatons unable to reason or offer unique incites into the human experiences, worshipping an insecure deity why demanded total obedience without any further interest into scientific phenomena, just plain boring!!!!
Star Tiger
everyone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
When you look how all the books of the Bible came to be incorporated into the Bible, at the council of Trent, it seems to me that the most popular books got accepted, via a Britains got talent vote, that probably all of it is a matter of ones personal belief and nothing to do with the actual reality of this life!
Star Tiger
what are your favourite books?.
do you have a book that inspired you?.
a book that you read over and over again?.
Slaughter house 5
Catch 22
The end of My Y
Warhammer 40K novels
Children of Hurin